This makes discussing Calvin College an awkward task as I don't know whether to call it a uni or a college—I'd hate to be mistaken for a high schooler when it's bad enough feeling like a freshie again! Looking back three years, I don't recall feeling so small and uncertain about "the way" things work.
Last week, on the first day of class, I held a piece of crinkled paper with a torn edge in my hand, reading it like a map as if those tiny marks, "TW/007," actually made sense. After what felt like 10 minutes of wandering, I decided it would be worse to walk in late to class, so I asked for directions as any freshie would. "Excuse me," I said, "I'm looking for room double-Oh-seven in building TW."
I'm positive I said, "double-O," as in "James Bond." Not "double-U," as in "W." Needless to say, I ended up in front of room TW/W07. Apparently, I can't assume everyone knows who James Bond is, even the British.
Two weeks of class have passed since that first day, and the freshie feeling is starting to wear off—I directed someone to the toilets today. So proud. However, the feeling of foreignness has not worn off, and I'm very much okay with that. Being foreign's fun!
Every day, especially that first, I get this strange kick of adrenaline when I raise my hand—naturally, talking in class is no big deal, but there's something pleasingly jarring about hearing my plain American accent among the British. Heads turn as people notice, particularly in my American literature class when they realized there's an "expert" among them—I'll let them think this for a while, but soon they'll find out I'm no expert on anything American.
I'll just say, it's slightly awkward when a British student, 2 years younger, knows more about Obamacare than I do.